Entries by Kevin

December 4th Newslettter

Newsletter – December 4th 2014. Hello Member or Friend, The club Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday January 16th in the Cottage bar in Lower Salthill. The AGM will be followed by a social evening so please make a note in your diaries not to miss this one. More information nearer the day. […]

Summer news letter

Newsletter – September 3rd 2014. Hello, First of all – many congratulations to John Hendley and Theresa on the safe arrival of baby Holly last Friday – a sister for John jnr. Other good news – after the disappointment of not being granted a Sports Capital Grant, the Galway Sports and Agricultural Society has given […]

First Newsletter of 2014

A very Happy New Year to you all, and I hope you have all survived the storms without damage. Happily our dinghy park was most effective at protecting all the boats inside – not one damaged or moved. However the storm surge on the high tide last Friday has made the approach road to the […]

Newsletter 24th Oct 13: Powerboat challenge report

   Hello Members, Congratulations to our teams in the ISA Powerboat Challenge held and hosted by us last Saturday. James Rattigan, Paraic O’Fatharta, Cathal McGuinness and Joe Meagher did us proud and came second overall, demonstrating their skills in boat handling, mooring, coming alongside and tying up, rescuing an upturned kayak, righting an upturned sailing […]

Newsletter: September 2013

Newsletter – September 30th 2013 Hello Members, It’s June since the last newsletter, time filled sailing in the loveliest of weather. We have run two weeks of Junior sailing camps – much enjoyed by all the youngsters , and their sailing skills (and swimming skills! –deliberate most of the time) improved mightily. Thanks to our […]

Newsletter June 2013

Newsletter – June 28th 2013 Hello Members and Friends, We have sailed every Thursday and Saturday except for one session in the last few weeks. The Topazs are proving very popular for everybody, juniors and adults alike. Thanks to Paraic O’Fatharta for getting them all ready to sail as part of his transition year intern […]